Sunday, May 22, 2011

Monogamy? What?

I booked to go to one of the sessions for the Ideas Festival.  It was held at the State Library, and I suspect didn't get the publicity it was aiming for, but it was interesting.  I didn't learn until I got there, about how varied it was.  I'd been sent a message about one of the sessions called "Big Love: Will Monogamy continue to prosper?"  Considering where i am in my life I thought it could be a bit of fun, and I guessed there'd be some alternate views.  It was in The Edge - something that I did not know existed but it is a part of the State Library, but specifically targeting the young 'nerd' I guess - with awesome equipment for sound and film, and all, I believe free to use.  (I shall be exploring it.)

The two guests, were 'newly-married Israeli-Australian author Lee Kofman and self-described lesbian, ex-Mormon comedian Sue-Ann Post".  I confess to not having heard of either of them.

Lee is clearly infatuated by sex, and likes having different partners, three-somes etc, and read some of her writing which was clearly very erotic.  Sue-Ann describes herself as a 6 foot lesbian - she is a big girl and not very feminine in any way. She described her lifestyle which started with a full on lesbian relationship when she was 18 years of age, with a married woman, whose husband was ok with the deal.  They had some good points, though they didn't convince me to look at trying any of their ideas.  Certainly there is a high rate of divorce in Australia (and the world) and a high rate of cheating, and a dissatisfction of marriage as we know it.  Sue-ann laughed at the idea of same sex marriage.  Why do they need to get married??  There was quite an animated discussion. 

I have no doubt that we as a community could have a more open discussion about marriage - and what people expect of it.  There was a session with one of my favourite stars of the kitchen Maggie Beer, but it was a luncheon and costly, and I had needed to prebook too. 

I wandered around the library and had a look at the Flood of Ideas Exhibition too which was interesting. There was a lot of effort put into the program which looked extrememly interesting, but I am sad to say I knew little about it.  One thing though, all the sessions were recorded and you can watch them at the website here. Ideas Festival Website.

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